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gradio.ChatInterface(fn, Β·Β·Β·)


ChatInterface is Gradio's high-level abstraction for creating chatbot UIs, and allows you to create a web-based demo around a chatbot model in a few lines of code. Only one parameter is required: fn, which takes a function that governs the response of the chatbot based on the user input and chat history. Additional parameters can be used to control the appearance and behavior of the demo.

Example Usage

Basic Example: A chatbot that echoes back the users’s message

import gradio as gr

def echo(message, history):
    return message

demo = gr.ChatInterface(fn=echo, examples=["hello", "hola", "merhaba"], title="Echo Bot")

Custom Chatbot: A gr.ChatInterface with a custom gr.Chatbot that includes a placeholder as well as upvote/downvote buttons. The upvote/downvote buttons are automatically added when a .like() event is attached to a gr.Chatbot. In order to attach event listeners to your custom chatbot, wrap the gr.Chatbot as well as the gr.ChatInterface inside of a gr.Blocks like this:

import gradio as gr

def yes(message, history):
    return "yes"

def vote(data: gr.LikeData):
    if data.liked:
        print("You upvoted this response: " + data.value["value"])
        print("You downvoted this response: " + data.value["value"])

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
    chatbot = gr.Chatbot(placeholder="<strong>Your Personal Yes-Man</strong><br>Ask Me Anything"), None, None)
    gr.ChatInterface(fn=yes, chatbot=chatbot)




import gradio as gr def echo(message, history): return message["text"] demo = gr.ChatInterface( fn=echo, examples=[{"text": "hello"}, {"text": "hola"}, {"text": "merhaba"}], title="Echo Bot", multimodal=True, ) demo.launch()
