Introducing Gradio 5.0

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  1. Helpers
  2. load

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Constructs a Gradio app automatically from a Hugging Face model/Space repo name or a 3rd-party API provider. Note that if a Space repo is loaded, certain high-level attributes of the Blocks (e.g. custom css, js, and head attributes) will not be loaded.

Example Usage

import gradio as gr
demo = gr.load("gradio/question-answering", src="spaces")


name: str

the name of the model (e.g. "google/vit-base-patch16-224") or Space (e.g. "flax-community/spanish-gpt2"). This is the first parameter passed into the `src` function. Can also be formatted as {src}/{repo name} (e.g. "models/google/vit-base-patch16-224") if `src` is not provided.

src: Callable[[str, str | None], Blocks] | Literal['models', 'spaces'] | None
default = None

function that accepts a string model `name` and a string or None `token` and returns a Gradio app. Alternatively, this parameter takes one of two strings for convenience: "models" (for loading a Hugging Face model through the Inference API) or "spaces" (for loading a Hugging Face Space). If None, uses the prefix of the `name` parameter to determine `src`.

token: str | None
default = None

optional token that is passed as the second parameter to the `src` function. For Hugging Face repos, uses the local HF token when loading models but not Spaces (when loading Spaces, only provide a token if you are loading a trusted private Space as the token can be read by the Space you are loading). Find HF tokens here:

hf_token: str | None
default = None
kwargs: <class 'inspect._empty'>

additional keyword parameters to pass into the `src` function. If `src` is "models" or "Spaces", these parameters are passed into the `gr.Interface` or `gr.ChatInterface` constructor.